HysterSisters is a woman-owned, “social advocacy” health education company dedicated to medical and emotional issues surrounding the hysterectomy experience and gynecologic-related conditions and illnesses, supporting women from diagnosis, to treatment, to recovery. Since 1998, HysterSisters has provided personalized support, dispersed educational materials, and conducted research–all at no cost to the women who visit the website.
HysterSisters.com, with over 350,000 members, records more than 25,000 members and visitors each day to find articles, videos and personal support through the large online community. Specialized surgery date content is provided to members called “Hysterectomy Checkpoints”.
Kathy Kelley

Kathy Kelley is the founder and CEO of HysterSisters. As a patient educator, Kathy is often invited to speak to surgeons and patients about the needs of the hysterectomy patient. She has also appeared before the FDA advisory council as an advocate for the hysterectomy and surgical menopause patient. She has written and compiled What 350,000 Women Know About Hysterectomy, Our Hysterectomy Stories, and Mister HysterSisters Guide. As part of her mission to educate women about gynecologic illnesses and surgeries, she has partnered with physicians across the country to develop HysterSisters.com into the leading website for hysterectomy support and information. You can visit it at www.HysterSisters.com.