Avoiding Constipation after Hysterectomy

When you are recovering from a hysterectomy or any other abdominal/pelvic surgery, you not only have to deal with the possibility of constipation resulting from the anesthesia and reduced activity level, but you probably will also be under strict orders not to strain in order to protect the healing process (particularly if a rectocele repair was a part of your surgery).

Here’s how to avoid constipation, even while taking iron pills:

  • Add natural fiber to your diet. For example, eat one serving of Raisin Bran or other high fiber cereals, every day. Or you could add one or two glasses of warmed prune juice or one serving of stewed prunes. Warming the prunes make them most effective. Don’t overdo the fibers, though, since it can be counter-productive.
  • Stay away from laxatives, which can be habit forming, and opt for stool softeners instead. In fact, you should always check with your doctor before you take ANY medications so close after surgery.
  • Drink plenty of water and fruit juice. Avoid carbonated drinks.
  • Walk as much as you can.
  • Avoid straining. Here’s a tip from a HysterSister who has been through it: “Whenever I felt a BM coming, I would walk and drink warm water until it was ready to come out. I would then only have to sit and let it happen.”

This content was written by staff of HysterSisters.com by non-medical professionals based on discussions, resources and input from other patients for the purpose of patient-to-patient support. Reprinted with permission: Avoiding Constipation after Hysterectomy

Shutterstock.com/Antonina Vlasova
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