Blurry Vision after Hysterectomy

There can be multiple reasons for blurred vision following surgery: anesthesia, medications, positioning during surgery, changes in the body and lifestyle following surgery, and hormones.

One of the side effects of the anesthesia medications can be blurry vision, which should not last more than a few hours or a few days. The medications used to manage pain and surgical issues, including anti-nausea patches placed behind the ear, may also affect vision as long as the medications are being used.

Depending on your position during surgery, you may have had swelling in the head and around the eyes that may affect vision for a time until the swelling subsides. A corneal abrasion from the cornea drying during surgery, especially if the procedure was longer than planned, could also lead to impaired vision. Your doctormay refer you to an ophthalmologist for treatment if this is the case.

Changing your diet and being dehydrated during the days leading to and following a hysterectomy may affect vision until a normal and healthy diet is resumed and the body is hydrated properly. Additionally, anemia from too much blood loss before and after surgery may be the culprit, in which case iron supplements or a blood transfusion may be necessary.

Fluctuations in estrogen can also lead to blurry vision and eye problems. For those who have had a bilateral oophorectomy, finding the right estrogen replacement balance could be the key to clear vision. For those who retained at least one ovary, it simply may take time for the ovary to function properly and provide the right estrogen level. Eye drops, either over the counter or prescription, or punctal plugs may help if the issue is from dry eyes even from hormonal issues.

Because some issues with impaired vision can be serious, check with your doctor about your eye symptoms.

This content was written by staff of by non-medical professionals based on discussions, resources and input from other patients for the purpose of patient-to-patient support. Reprinted with permission: Blurry Vision after Hysterectomy 9nong
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